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We highly recommend getting familiar with Client SDK API before start


Begin by installing the necessary Buildel packages using package manager of your choice.

This initial step equips you with the tools required for seamless integration with our API.

~ terminal
npm install @buildel/buildel @buildel/buildel-auth

Server-side configuration

import { BuildelAuth } from "@buildel/buildel-auth";

export async function POST(request: Request) {
const { socket_id: socketId, channel_name: channelName } = await request.json();

const buildelAuth = new BuildelAuth(process.env.BUILDEL_API_KEY);

const authData = buildelAuth.generateAuth(socketId, channelName);

return NextResponse.json(authData);

Initialize client SDK

export const BuildelProvider = ({ children }: PropsWithChildren) => {
useEffect(() => {
async function connect() {
const organizationId = 27;
const authUrl = "/buildel/auth";
const buildel = new BuildelSocket(organizationId, { authUrl });
}, [])

Connect websockets

Establish a connection to our websocket server to engage in real-time bidirectional communication. This connection is vital for real-time messaging and data interchange.

export const BuildelProvider = ({ children }: PropsWithChildren) => {
const [buildel, setBuildel] = useState<BuildelSocket | null>(null);

useEffect(() => {
const connect = async () => {
const organizationId = 27;
const authUrl = "/buildel/auth";
const buildel = new BuildelSocket(organizationId, { authUrl });

await buildel.connect();



return () => {
if (!buildel) return;
buildel!.disconnect().then(() => {
console.log("Disconnected from Buildel");
}, [])

Initialize run instance

Initialize a run instance with your workflowId to manage events for specific blocks, handle errors, and perform other workflow operations.

interface UsePipelineRunProps {
onBlockOutput?: (
blockId: string,
outputName: string,
payload: unknown
) => void;
onBlockStatusChange?: (blockId: string, isWorking: boolean) => void;
workflowId: number;

export const usePipelineRun = ({ workflowId, onBlockOutput, onBlockStatusChange }: UsePipelineRunProps) => {
const { buildel } = useBuildelSocket();
const runRef = useRef<BuildelRun>();

useEffect(() => {
if (!buildel) return;

const run =, {
onBlockOutput: (
blockId: string,
outputName: string,
payload: unknown
) => {
onBlockOutput?.(blockId, outputName, payload);
onBlockStatusChange: (blockId: string, isWorking: boolean) => {
onBlockStatusChange?.(blockId, isWorking);
onStatusChange: (status: BuildelRunStatus) => {
onBlockError: (blockId: string, errors: string[]) => {
console.log(`Block ${blockId} errors: ${errors}`);

runRef.current = run;
}, [buildel]);

export function useBuildelSocket() {
const context = useContext(BuildelContext);

if (!context) {
throw new Error("useBuildelSocket must be used within a BuildelProvider");

return context;

Send data to channel

After starting your run instance, send data payloads to a specified block in your channel. This action triggers the processing within your run.

await run.start();
run.push('topic:input', 'sample payload')


topic: string

This is a combination of blockName and fieldName separated by a colon. In this example: text_input_1:input, text_input_1 refers to name of block you want to send payload to and input is name of field within this block.

payload: any

Payload can be anything from string to complex object or even array of object. You name it.

Close connection

When your interactions with the API conclude, ensure you properly close the socket connection. This step is critical for releasing resources and securely disconnecting from the server.

useEffect(() => {
// ...
return () => {
await buildel.disconnect();