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Hugging Face Chat

This module integrates advanced Hugging Face language models to provide dynamic and intelligent chat functionalities.


Inputs divide into public and private. Public input is for user's interaction with block. Private input is for communication between block and block. You can't use these inputs directly



InputsThe inputs to the block.N/A
NameThe name of the block. Can only contain letters, numbers, and underscores. Cannot include spaces.N/A
API KeySelect from your API keys or enter a new one.N/A
ModelThe model to use for the chat.N/A
StreamWhether to stream the chat.Default: false
TemperatureThe temperature of the chat.Default: 0.7
System messageThe message to start the conversation with.N/A
MessagesThe messages to start the conversation with.N/A
Prompt templateThe template to use for the prompt.N/A